1994 Convention, Washington, D.C.
1994 Annual Convention Program
April 7-10
The Latham Hotel, Georgetown, Washington DC
Thursday, April 7, 1994
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting
(Board Members only)
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Opening Reception Sample wines from each of Germany’s 13 wine growing districts in the German Embassy’s Great Hall. These wines have been personally selected by Helmut Jung our renowned friend from the German Wine Institute and the German Wine Academy. These wines are likely never to be available on the international market. Enjoy the ambiance of the Embassy, the full selection of buffet foods, and the fellowship of friends-new and old- from all over the country, and guests from Germany.
Friday, April 8, 1994
9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Helmut Jung will discuss the wines served at the Opening Reception. This time together will give us a better atmosphere to appreciate the wines more fully.
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. David Schildknecht, nationally recognized German wine fanatic from The Party Source of Bellevue, Kentucky, will lead a tasting to demonstrate the effect on wine that different soil conditions have. The vintage and variety of the wines will be held constant so you can concentrate on the differences in taste from this one factor. You will learn how to recognize and analyze the distinctive character imparted by the soil of the vineyard.
Noon – 2:00 p.m. Peter M.F. Sichel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Society, and Bettina Sichel, U.S. Sales Manager, will lead you through an elegant three-course lunch at acclaimed “Citronelle” Restaurant, and the courses will be matched with a fascinating range of Gewüztraminer wines, all of this with commentary from Peter and Bettina.
2:30 – 4:00 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting
(for Directors, Officers and Chapter Chairpersons)
Afternoon Free for touring or for visiting the area’s fine wine shops.
5:30 p.m. Dinner at Suchi-Ko Japanese Restaurant with wines chosen by David Schildknecht and Peter von Weymam. Experience the marvelous way German wines complement a variety of oriental fare.
Saturday, April 9, 1994
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Terry Theise will lead a sit-down tasting of a special portfolio of wines especially chosen by him during his latest trip to Germany, from which he returned only one week agao. As he has in past GWS Conventions, Terry promises to amaze and delight your palate.
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Peter von Weymarn, who has planned one of his visits to America to coincide with our Convention, will lead a sit-down tasting of the exceptional wines of the von Heyl zu Hermsheim Estate, ranked at the top of the wine producers in Nierstein, Rheinhessen.
4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Annual Business Meeting
All members are invited to particiapte
7:00 – 1 1:00 p.m. Reception 7:00 p.m. Gala Banquet 7:30 p.m. A feast prepared by Michele Richard, whose ‘Citronelle” is one of the “hottest” restaurants in the country, receiving rave reviews from many prestigious publications. The outstanding German wines for the Gala Banquet have been carefully chosen by Helmut Jung especially for the occasion to match an exceptional variety of wines with splendid foods. Our longstanding friend, Peter Nelson, of Niche Marketing, has provided a suitable finish for the evening with a fine German Weinbrand with a world-wide reputation: Dujardin VSOP.
Sunday, April 10, 1994
10:00 – Noon Savor an array of delicious buffet dishes from ‘Citronelle” with a refreshing selection of German Sekt, Germany’s sparkling wines. The Sekt has been provided by Helmut Jung and Nikolaus Wegeler-Deinhard Estates in celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Deinhard & Co.