1997 Convention, Washington, D.C.

a.k.a. The Glimmer Boyz


Annual Convention
Wine Tasting
at the
Embassy of the
Federal Republic of Germany
on May 2, 1997
Wines from the Thirteen
Wine-Growing Areas of Germany
1. Ahr
1995 Spaetburgunder QbA trocken
Edition Ponsert Nr. 6, barrique
Winzergenossenschaft Mayschoss-Altenahr
Re: 5.4 g/l Ac. 5.4 g/1. alcohol 12.2% vol.
2. Wuerttemberg
1995 Nordheimer Sonntagsberg
Lemberger QbA trocken
Weingaertnergenossenschaft Nordheim
Re: 1.5 g/l Ac. 4.7 g/l alcohol 11.73% vol.
3. Sachsen
1995 Schloss Proschwitz
Elbling Qba trocken
Weingut Schloss Proschwitz, Meissen
Re: 0.4 g/l Ac. 7.2 g/l alcohol 10.45% vol
4. Saale-Unstrut
1994 Hoehnstedter Keiterberg
Silvaner QbA trocken
Weingut Guenter Born, Hoehnstedt
Re: 0.6 g/l Ac. 6.8 g/l alcohol 11.12% vol.
5. Pfalz
1992 Duerkheimer Hochbenn
Riesling Spaetlese
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Weingut Karl Schaefer, Bad Duerkheim
Re: 6.7 g/l Ac. 5.2 g/1- alcohol 12.12% vol.
6. Baden
1994 Kappelrodecker Hex vom Dasenstein
GrauburgunderKabinett trocken
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Winzergenossenschaft Kappelrodeck
Re: 5.3 g/i Ac. 7.0 g/l alcohol 11.6% vol.
7. Franken
1994 Wuerzburger Stein
Mueller-Thurgau QbA trocken
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Juliusspital-Weingut, Wuerzburg
Re: 3.6 g/l Ac. 7.3 g/l alcohol 11.21% vol.
8. Rheingau
1995 Rheingau Riesling QbA trocken
Weingut Robert Weil, Kiedrich
Re: 7.9 g/l Ac. 8.6 g/i alcohol 11.24% vol..
9. Mittelrhein
1993 Bacharacher Schloss Stahleck
Riesling Spaetlese halbtrocken
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Re: 12.0 g/l Ac. 8.6 g/l alcohol 11.7% vol.
10 .Mosel-Saar Ruwer
1993 Lieserer Rosenlay
Riesling Spaetlese halbtrocken
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Re: 16.5 g/l Ac. 9.0 g/l alcohol 9.6% vol
11. Rheinhessen
1994 Niersteiner Oelberg
Riesling Kabinett
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Weingut Heinrich Seebrich, Nierstein
Re: 36.2 g/l Ac. 7.4 g/l alcohol 9.4% vol.
12. Hessische Bergstrasse
Bensheimer Kalkgasse
Gewuerztraminer Spaetlese trocken
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Weingut der Stadt Bensheim
Re: 43.7 g/l Ac. 7.4 g/l alcohol 10.04% vol.
13. Nahe
1994 Meddersheimer Paradiesgarten
Riesling Auslese
Qualitaetswein mit Praedikat
Weingut Helmut Hexamer, Meddersheim
Re: 54.6 g/l Ac. 8.4 g/l alcohol 9.08% vol.
The PR at the time:
We are offering a unique opportunity to collect previously unavailable wines from great vintages at a charity auction. Great wines you despaired of ever being able to buy again. Wines not even available in Germany, for example, a collection of Eiswein from the three greatest Eiswein vintages in the last 15 years (’83, ’85, and’91). Cases of the great 1990 vintage that have been stored in refrigerated cellars. A collection of wines from 1971, 1975, and 1976 that were originally purchased back when the wines first arrived and were impeccably stored. Profits from the auction go to the Campagne Center, a non-profit organization that offers a wide variety of services for children and families.
We have a unique combination of great wines and foremost authorities on German wine. We have three events on Friday, three on Saturday, and one on Sunday. All seven events are available in a package costing only $190 for members of the German Wine Society. It includes tastings led by Rheingau vintner Georg Breuer, German wine importers Terry Theise, Bob Rice of Chapin Cellars, and David Thompson of the Valkenberg group; wine from David Schildknecht, the foremost retailer in the United States; and Helmut Jung of the German Wine ‘ Institute in Mainz, Germany. Terry Theise’s event will feature wines from great older vintages, directly from the cellars of his vintners in Germany.
At all events, except the German Embassy reception, participants will be seated at round tables. At the Embassy event, participants will be able to walk from table to table to taste wines representing each wine-growing region of Germany.
The Events
10:30 a.m., David Schildknecht, Morrison House. Maximum 44.
12:30 p.m., Lunch with Terry Theise, great older vintages, Morrison House. Maximum 30.
7:00 p.m, Germany Embassy, a tour of German wines and charity auction, with Helmut Jung of the German Wine Institute. Maximum 200.
10:30 a.m., David Thompson, Valkenberg Group, Campagne Center, Maximum 80.
12:30 p.m., Lunch with Bob Rice, Campagne Center. Maximum 80.
7:00 p.m., Grand banquet with Peter Sichel and wines from the Capital Chapter of the German Wine Society, Campagne Center. Maximum 80.
10:30, Brunch with Georg Breuer, Morrison House. Maximum 44.