Zum Wohl!
“To your health” – the San Francisco German Wine Society Newsletter
Members, guests of Members, and Prospective Members of the San Francisco Chapter of the German Wine Society will gather Sunday, December 15, 2024 from 7:00-9:30 pm for our Annual Meeting and a Special Tasting Event where we will feature a) two highly regarded dry wines, both from the Mosel produced by Clemens Busch, a 2020 Raffes Riesling Grosse Lage (GL) and a 2022 Fahrlay Riesling Grosse Gewächs (GG), b) two Spätlese Riesling wines from the 2003 vintage, a Schloss Vollrads from the Rheingau and a Knebel Winninger Röttgen from the Mosel, c) four Auslese wines – two more than 25 years old – one 1976 Gimmeldinger Mandelgarten Scheurebe from the Pfalz and one 1998 Kiedricher Grafenberg Riesling from the Rheingau, and two wines less than 20 years old from the excellent 2005 vintage – a Haardter Herzog Rieslaner from the Pfalz produced by Müller Catoir and a Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling from the Mosel produced by J J Prüm. Finally, we will finish up with two 2005 Beerenauslese wines – a Monzinger Frühlingsplätzchen Riesling from the Nahe produced by Emrich-Schönleber and a Hattenheimer Wisselbrunnen Riesling from the Rheingau produced by Hans Lang. So, in all, we will have wines from four different regions and three different grape varieties.
Where : Home of Joan and Barry Boothe, 2435 Divisadero Street (between Jackson and Pacific), San Francisco. Street parking is available in the area.
Cost : $65 Per Person for members and one guest for those who reply by December 6 with payment to the Treasurer by December 10. Reservations made for members and one guest after December 6 (but in no case later than December 9) will be $75 per person with payment to the Treasurer by December 12
Note : Members of other Chapters are welcome to attend this San Francisco Chapter Event at the Member Price.
Food : There will be our usual buffet spread of enough delectable food to make a full meal including dessert.
Contact Barry Boothe to make your reservation.
Barry‘s email (preferred) : barrypboothe@aol.com
Phone: 415-346-5934
To confirm your attendance, send a check made payable to the German Wine Society– SF Chapter to our Treasurer: Henry Kim – 886 Birdhaven Court,Lafayette, CA 94549
Checks must be received by the dates noted above.
The GWS encourages members and guests to follow current public health guidelines for respiratory viruses, if they are medically eligible, and according to their physician’s advice. If you have recently been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or influenza but have no symptoms, please rapid-test on the day of the event and, if your result is positive, cancel your attendance. If you are feeling ill with a respiratory or other illness, please do not attend the Event.
Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies.
All Society members and guests are reminded that alcohol consumption can lead to intoxication and therefore Society members and their guests are expected to drink in moderation at Society events. We suggest those attending either utilize designated drivers or other modes of transit where available, or mostly taste rather than consume alcohol when such drivers or alternative means of transportation are not available.
Barry Boothe, President and Cellarmaster– barrypboothe@aol.com
Henry Kim, Treasurer and Event Organizer – henrykimm@yahoo.com
Arlene Boro, Secretary – arlene.boro@buonvivant.com
John Bender, Assistant Cellarmaster – bender@stanford.edu
Bruce Lehman, Industry Liaison Officer –blehman510@sbcglobal.net
John Mensinger, Member at Large– jmensinger@hotmail.com
Angela Carlson, Member at Large–norse.gal@gmail.com